We have finally arrived at our destination!!!! BYU Wymount.
It has now been about 4 weeks since we left Brisbane Australia and time has flown by. How fun it has been....wahooooo!!
Firstly, leaving Perth was really sad. I hate saying goodbyes but it is even harder to see the kids say goodbye to dear friends and family. In Brisbane, Beth kept singing about going back to Perth to see her cousin Megan and her friends Jessica and Miesha. We were so excited to land in Brisbane however and see more COUSINS, family and friends. My very handsome brothers and dad were there to pick us up and all our luggage. Oh how good it was to hug them!!!!
My little brother was a hoot!!!! He loves to hug and we sure did get a lot of hugs and laughs with him. Hyrum was a little overwhelmed with him cos if you know my brother, he is a little loud and crazy and likes to razz the kids up ........... tease/provoke/torture. Hyrum loves all the action but we are still working on his "fragile" qualities after he is injured/offended or left out! When he babysat for us one night Isaac was 'supposed' to be going to sleep but Uncle Silas (with permission) picked him out of the cot for some extra cuddles. My heart just melted because we are once again leaving him behind when he is such a cute (and crazy) uncle.

Seeing my SISTER and my NEPHEWS (and yes, my very fun brother-in-law Mark) was great! We went to parks and restaurants, tennis at the holiday resort we stayed at, sleepovers (not enough though), strawberry picking . Strawberry picking was very yummy because you could sit down after with a great chocolate dip and eat to your hearts delight. The Liddicoat's somehow ate all of their work and the Gibson's managed to take some home with them. (I think the kids did try but the threats from their parents worked a treat). Afterwards we went up the Glasshouse mountains for a picnic.

It was great just going over to play games with the kids and read them books before bed when Mark was at meetings and to get a chance to just "talk" with Amy. That was
probably my favorite time with my sister. Simple pleasures are often the best and just to be able to sit on the couch with my sister was a real TREAT!
I got to see my parents for 5 nights. Obviously not long enough but it was such a special experience. I got to go on the traditional father/daughters date with my sister and dad and we got to order whatever we wanted!!! I felt very SPOILT not only in yummy food but with the company I was with. My dad has a great sense of humour and I forget how good it feels to hear his CORNY jokes. (love you dad). I was also VERY excited to be there for nans birthday which meant I could go out for a GIRLS lunch with mum and nan. Movies, shopping and food........great combination. We saw Mamma Mia and it was hilarious to sit next to my nan and see her reactions to some of the subject matter!!! I also got to visit Mt Tamborine a few times for picnics with the family and to visit nan and we went hiking through the rainforest. Nan also cooked us a roast (amongst others) and spoilt us. It was such a nice treasured experience for me to have time with her. She is a hoot. Loves an adventure. (Go nan!!)
My beautiful brother Eli and his wife Kara were fun and Beth loved Eli. (he mentioned he thinks Beth is a little like me....demanding, whingy...oh dear!!) We are very excited to hear they are pregnant and I can't wait to see a mini Kara or Eli. It will be wonderful to see Eli clean a nappy and see bags under his eyes!! Oh the joys of parenthood!!!!
We had so much fun in Brisbane. Many tears goodbye and lots of laughs. Going back to our old wards was lots of fun. Seeing beautiful OLD friends was a blast and I appreciate them letting me do my laundry at their house (Wendy) or helping us to the airport(Elliot). CHEERS
Heading to California to visit with Dave's sisters family was lots of FUN also. Once again, it was a little easier to say goodbye to the Brisbane family (although it was very HARD) because we were once again reuniting with FAMILY and COUSINs. Savannah and Abby were a crack up together. They were very fun and crazy together and loved sleeping in the same room each night. (getting them to sleep was another issue) They did lemonade stalls in the street and did pretty well. (even if Rachel and I were buying it off them!) Abby was famous for singing in our car. Hyrum loved more boy cousins and had fun playing the Wii with Trent and having Luke to muck around the front on scooters etc. Hayley was fun to be around and she has grown up so much!!!!! Dave and Chad enjoyed evening basketball. Some of my favorites were going to San Diego with Rachel and going to PHANTOM OF THE OPERA!! We were able to stay back afterwards as they had question and answers with the main characters. I appreciated Chad saying home and letting me go. Rachel is a hoot and even just driving to San Diego with her (took about 40 minutes) and back was fun. No kids interrupting conversation!!! Also Rachel, Chad, Dave and I went to a winery for breakfast and had some very YUMMY pancakes. We hope to see them for Thanksgiving. (We are trying to get into the spirit over here and it is very fun. The next thing will be Halloween).
Being here is PROVO is just CRAZY and UNREAL!! We are really happy to be in our new accommodation. and finally out of suitcases. The kids are in heaven as there are lots of kids to play with. We are 600 steps from the Provo Temple. (Yes, we are dags and actually counted. Hyrum counted 140 steps so that is a little interesting.) It is very interesting walking/driving to church. We pass the MTC, 2 other chapels, the Temple all within half a mile and see groups of missionaries walking to Church. We love it.
The kids WALK to school with all the other kids in our complex together. Their route is walking pass the main gates of the temple. Next to their school is our chapel. In their class is either neighbours or church class mates. Savannah came home after the first day and claimed that her teacher was a member. We then broke the news to her that probably 90% of the teachers and students there were.
We have driven to Salt Lake and spent time with friends in Bountiful. Watched the Joseph Smith movie in Temple Square...well the Joseph Smith building. Enjoyed just browsing the wonderful Desert book shop there. We have explored up the Canyon to Heber city and dipped our feet in the cold river water.
So much more to say but that is another blog......This week we are looking forward to Isaac's 1st birthday and Alex and Rick coming to stay. Every day is an adventure........