Friday, December 26, 2008
The BYU experience.
Snow, glorious snow!
Temple crawl
Mount Timpanogoes temple.
This was how it looked back in October, but it looks rather different now.
It was absoultely FREEZING cold and Beth found a good technique to keeping warm!
Jordan River Temple.
Hyrum's Baptism
Hyrum is now the BIG "8". He has been
preparing for this special day for a long
time. He was excited to get his first "real"
set of scriptures, engraved with his name
courteous of the BYU bookstore and now
wants to do his own personal scripture
reading each day.
We were very fortunate to have Dave's parents come over from Perth for his baptisim, the Lekias family from Perth. Unfortunately, the Gharrings were caught in a snow storm and were unable to make it from California in time. This spiced up the program becuase Trent and Rachel were going to give a testimony and talk and that had to be changed very quickly. We have made some beautiful friends here in Provo also and were extremely grateful that they could also come to help make Hyrum's baptisim real special.
One funny thing that happened was the mixup of Chapels. We arrived early to get things ready, checked the baptimal font to see if it was running....check! But nobody was arriving and when we spoke to someone we realised we were in the wrong stake centre!!!!!! So we drove the whole 150m to the next Stake centre to find some rather stressed people waiting for us. (There was going to be a baptisim straight after Hyrums and we had to make it short and sweet!!) I guess you can't be late to your own baptisim!
I asked Hyrum what the best thing about his Baptisim was and he said..."going into the water and feeling the Holy Ghost."
The Brick Oven.
We ate there the night of Hyrums Baptisim.
It was a very yummy night.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Bethany!
For Bethany's early birthday party we went to the Bean Musem located on campus. It is an animal museum and it even has an animal from Perh, the black swan!!! Firstly, it was FREE!!! They do live animal demonstrations and we got to see a slithering snake, turtle and lizard.
Beth was more interested in the DEAD animals. Don't know why she wasn't to keen on holding the snake???
She had friends from church, pre-school, from the MBA program and some neighbors. She wanted more, but we had to fit them all in our apartment after for cake, so that definately helped in narrowing her selection of friends.
She is counting the sleeps till her 'real birthday'. She is excited to get a small set of scriptures because her older brother and sister now both have one. (Hyrum got his baptisim set yesterday for his birthday) She also can't wait to go to the Cannon centre on campus to eat dinner with her cousins, Grandparents, Aunt's and Uncles and eat as much desert and fizzy drink as she wants!!!
Happy Birthday!
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