By the time summer started to roll around, all our friends in the MBA program were quickly going there different ways across the USA and around the world. It was exhausting attending all the BBQ's, events and activities and at each we were having to say goodbye to different friends leaving.

We were able to see the Woodruff's one last time at Sawyer's baby blessing. They left for DC the next day.

Woodruffs were headed to Washington DC and we miss them heaps! They were the party family.

This was a girls night out for some of my neighbours. Connie and I were leaving. Connie was heading to L.A.

No more Provo picnics.

Daniella and Edgar's baby blessing. Daniella was on the international committee with me and was such a wonderful person I got to know. Hopefully we can visit them in Brazil one day. Dave and I felt so grateful for all the incredible people we got to know.

Goodbye to Alex. They will be in Florida where Mike will be doing his PhD. Alex was another party animal. Even Hyrum thought Alex was one very unique and funny gal.

Michael and Dave at dinner with a group of friends. Micheal is now in Newport Beach, Southern Cal working with PIMCO.

We got the chance to do play co-ed intramural water polo, inner tube style with a fun group of friends. We were called the rubber duckies. One night at a restaurant with a bunch of friends we got handed different awards. I somehow got the fiestiest. The most fun I have ever had on a sport team. It was also the first team I have been on with Dave. Fun was an understatement!

One of the many picnics we had at the end of the school year and more goodbyes.

Goodbye student life! Sniff : (