Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our Wymount neighbourhood

Isaac in last few weeks is doing INCREDIBLE!! We are very excited with the positive progress. He has taken 10 steps, is climbing onto the dining table and thinking he is hilarious and cheeky. He is starting to make more sounds and immitate more. We are starting to learn American sign, to assist us in communicating with him more. He has many forms of therapy and I am starting to see it pay off. Yay!
Beth was driving me crazy and I sent her outside and this is Beth, with her little 'gang'. (All boys!!) I was looking out the window to check up on her and this is what I saw....priceless.

This is an average afternoon school play day. The neighborhood children gather for some great exploring and fun. Each day they come up with something new to do and it makes me so grateful that we are here and the children are so happy.

Unfortunately, Isaac doesn't last long outside. He loves eating the snow and will literally put his little mouth straight into the snow and eat it! He comes up with his little nose, extremely red.