A family joke that my little brother's like to taunt me about is what a "shortie" I am. Growing up, Eli and I were about the same height for a a number of years. It reminds me of Savannah and Hyrum who are the same height at the moment. (Remember Eli and Silas, I am still the superior second oldest sister!)

It was fantastic to see my brother, Kara and little William. William is a real cutie! Beth was rather smothering him with love and it was nice to hang out with them. Unfortunately Dave had the camera with him in New Orleans while he was away and I couldn't be as happy snappy as I would have liked to have been.

Aunty Kara and Savannah.

Handsome William.

We got to do a few things over the weekend with them. Cafe Rio was the first thing. (We got our priorities right!) A stroll on campus and a peek at the BYU Bookstore. A look at bridalveil falls (I would say hike but it lasted all of 15 minutes.) A BYU football game, Sunday together, stroll to Provo temple and a drive in the canyons past Sundance and around the Alpine Loop.

It was a perfect time of year to see all the beautfiul autumn colours on the mountains before all the leaves fall off.

On the Monday we drove up to Salt Lake to look at the LDS humanitairan centre with them as well as welfare square which was really interesting.

They showed us packs of powerded milk that are specifically designed for undernourished children. This is a before and after shot of a girl in Africa who used this milk for 6 months. It only costs $5 for 6 months! I was amazed!! I have a new appreciation for fast offerings and tithing that we give to the church!

The children got to see milk, cheese, bread, canned spaghetti etc being made or canned. These products are stored in the bishops store house and when there is a different crisis throughout the world, they can act within hours! Amazing!

The best thing the children liked was the "taste testing". Chocolate milk and fresh bread and butter. It was what we could smell the whole time we were on the tour.
In the car on the hour drive home the children mentioned they were "hungry". After just going to the humanitarian centre they must have regretted making such a comment. I went into a whole spill about the picture of the little girl, and the incredible film on starving people throughout the world and the different crisis countries were experiencing and they knew I had a good argument! I didn't hear any "I'm hungry" comments after that.
Thanks for visiting Pollards!