Friday, September 10, 2010

Random pic's

MBASA girls night out.

Lot's of mum's very happy to have some fun!

MBA Golf day.

CRAZY! A midnight showing of Eclipse. Waiting in the freezing cold Provo night.

Women's conference with Susan Lloyd. My neighbour and all time angel. We did it both years and had a laugh when the BYUTV crew interviewed both of us. Obviously we didn't cut it because we never made it to air.

Women's conference.

One of Dave's international activities was hiking the Y and having a devotional and donuts.

Hiking the Y. (For the 10 millionth time!!)

Roller skating with the Lloyd's.

Had a lovely lunch for the students who received the Hawes award and their spouses. This is the highest achievement given in the program each year and is based on academic performance and contribution to the program. Students and faculty are asked to provide nominations each year.

Dinner with friends. In our tiny apartment we had more people over than we ever did in our large home in Perth. I have to smile at that. I realised living in tiny student housing for 2 years that you can't take life and the things around you for granted. Like having your own glorious laundry and being 7 minutes from the gorgous Perth beach.

An actual photo of an international activity. International cooking classes were held during the month. The Brazillians showed us how to make some exotic food from their country so it made me laugh when they just simply wanted to learn about cookie making! My fave international activity was the one Dave and I combined to work on (and I used all his budget). We had an International Christmas party for all the MBA students. I was very glad that I organised for others to be the judges of baking competition because it got very competitive! We were too busy organising that we forgot our camera that night. Dang it!

Beverly the cookie demonstrator.

Hyrum fractured his arm just walking home from school. It was a team effort from all my friends who helped Hyrum. He fell in front of a ward members house who ran out to see all the commotion. Hyrum was laying on the ground, surrounded by his friends and Sister Heaton, being a nurse strapped him up. Kristen, my friend, and another member of our ward who was driving past, stopped to see if she could help and rang me. Susan, our neighbour, who also saw the commotion on her way home, kicked her children out of the car and put Hyrum in the car and took him home to me. Only in Provo would I have 3 dear friends and sisters in the ward come to Hyrum's rescue. Having the chapel next door to the school has its advantages!

Alex's birthday dinner at Chilis with Mike & Alex, Tyson and Diana and Mathew and Monica.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

MBA Activities

I am so far behind in my blogging that I am just going to put photos up with a brief description for a while. In the MBA program there were soooo many activities. An email would go out each week with sport, international, social, spiritual and educational activities from different committees. Dave and I were on the international committee.

MBA activity. Brittney and Es sumo wrestling. So much fun.

Mike, Meisha, Alex Es and Brittney. MBA Closing social.

Candy, Alex, Monica Christie, Emily, Es and Winter.

MBA Christmas dinner.

Es, Beverly and Meisha. Formal dinner, comedy and dancing the night away.

Alex, Diana and Es.

Monday, August 2, 2010

~Moab half-marathon with Dave~

Dave and I got to do our first half-marathon together and we had a blast. It was really fun doing together like that Since moving to Utah, Dave and I have been able to do a lot more fun things together and this was definitely a highlight! Early morning runs together, buying our gear for the run, the lead was the funnest running event I have done because we did it together!

High fiving the kids in the crowd! I didn't see them in either of the marathons at St George so I was ecstatic to spot them in a crowd this time.

The long runs on early, dark, COLD, snowy, Saturday mornings were so much better when I didn't have to go solo. Friday evening we would go to bed earlier so we could get up early for our "fresh" Saturday runs.

A very cold winters day. (Above)

Arriving in Moab. (Below)

On a Friday afternoon after Dave and the children had finished school we drove with some families to Moab. Some of the BYU group, above, picking up our race packets and timing chip for the race.

Alex Baer and Es.

They didn't give medals out medals this year. So Diana, who couldn't run because she was 7 months pregnant, got Alex, me and Monica a special one of our own. (She was inspired to get it when Alex found out there was no medal and was devestated since this was probably her first an last marathon attempt. She wanted proof that she had done one!

Our future little racers!

Kermit green of all colors!!!

Last year in Moab it was so hot!!! So we were we all hoping for the same weather to escape cold Provo. Wasn't to be. We hit a snowstorm on our drive to Moab.

Pasta for dinner! We were with 4 other families at this hotel which was a little smaller (Harrisons, Baers, Wilsons & Kemptons). Fortunately other friends (Hugh, Anderson and Lemmon families) had rented a house. Both nights we crashed there for dinner.

"Carb" loading together. Night before the race.

The morning of the race we got the kids up early and dropped them off at a friends house in Moab. Since it was Dave's first race, I let him do his own thing and get himself "prepped" & organised while I got the kiddos ready. Thus, I forgot my asthma puffer which made for a difficult race for me. My lungs seemed to burn for the first 10 miles until we were out of the canyon and into the sun.

Dave was truly awesome. It was frustrating for me to be strguggling and Dave doing so great. At 10 miles, however that is where Daves legs cramped up and my lungs were fine and ready to go. But whatever the case, the goal was always to finish together and we crossed the finish line at the same time. It was a great feeling crossing together!

As I cross the finish line with Dave next to me, the song "I come from the land down under" blasts in my ear. Perfect!

Alex, Dave and Ronell after the race.

Esther with Emily, Lacy and Andrea, the supportive spouses of those running.

We had about 30 people, either students or spouses, from the MBA program compete. Dave organised for everyone to have a matching shirt for the race.

Adorable Meisha who looked after our kiddos, her own little one and another families. She deserved a medal that day. Her and Matt are in France for work. Lucky ducks!

Lunch back at the hotel. Exhausted and glad it is over!

Not so much energy after the race! Watching BYU vs Kansas State in the NCAA Tourney. Unfortunately they were not able to pull off the win.

Candy Wilson and Es.

Delicate arch in the background.

Hugh, Kempton, Wilson, Harrison and Liddicoat families and Alex Baer.

Some of the "bro'mance". The boys spent so much time at school together working on team assignments and studying together we all joked about it.

Seneca and Isaac. Isaac had a little crush on Seneca!

Such a fun weekend. This was a big milestone for us because we were focused on the event for months with training etc, so when it was meant that graduation was very near and so much to do before we moved to California.