The morning of the race we got the kids up early and dropped them off at a friends house in Moab. Since it was Dave's first race, I let him do his own thing and get himself "prepped" & organised while I got the kiddos ready. Thus, I forgot my asthma puffer which made for a difficult race for me. My lungs seemed to burn for the first 10 miles until we were out of the canyon and into the sun.
Dave was truly awesome. It was frustrating for me to be strguggling and Dave doing so great. At 10 miles, however that is where Daves legs cramped up and my lungs were fine and ready to go. But whatever the case, the goal was always to finish together and we crossed the finish line at the same time. It was a great feeling crossing together!

As I cross the finish line with Dave next to me, the song "I come from the land down under" blasts in my ear. Perfect!

Alex, Dave and Ronell after the race.

Esther with Emily, Lacy and Andrea, the supportive spouses of those running.

We had about 30 people, either students or spouses, from the MBA program compete. Dave organised for everyone to have a matching shirt for the race.

Adorable Meisha who looked after our kiddos, her own little one and another families. She deserved a medal that day. Her and Matt are in France for work. Lucky ducks!

Lunch back at the hotel. Exhausted and glad it is over!

Not so much energy after the race! Watching BYU vs Kansas State in the NCAA Tourney. Unfortunately they were not able to pull off the win.

Candy Wilson and Es.

Delicate arch in the background.
Hugh, Kempton, Wilson, Harrison and Liddicoat families and Alex Baer.

Some of the "bro'mance". The boys spent so much time at school together working on team assignments and studying together we all joked about it.

Seneca and Isaac. Isaac had a little crush on Seneca!

Such a fun weekend. This was a big milestone for us because we were focused on the event for months with training etc, so when it was over......it meant that graduation was very near and so much to do before we moved to California.