Pity there weren't 2 Aunty Leahs and 2 Uncle Silas's. The children just stuck to them like magnets. I had forgotten what it was like to hang out with extended family. My children obviously miss all the attention that comes from having family around and I have under estimated the importance of all the extra love family provides. You forget quickly.
Silas was only 12 when I got married. Living away from Brisbane now for 9 years, I feel like I haven't spent much time with my little bro. As time was getting close for Unlce Silas to come I told the children lots of mischievous stories Silas did as a little boy. Probably not a good idea. Hyrum listened to all these stories and re-told them to Uncle Silas very amused and impressed!!
chocolates and we miss our aussie choc eggs!!!