I am sad writing this because it means Silas and Leah have left and we don't know when we will see them again. Over 3 days we saw them and what a blast we had. Silas and Leah have this wonderful ability to make everything fun and the children and I couldn't get enough.

When Silas arrived he came full of goodies from the siblings and mum and dad. Isaac is stuffing his face with the goodies and instantly adores Uncle Si. The crazy man.

Yeah baby!!! Just some of the goodies.
Pity there weren't 2 Aunty Leahs and 2 Uncle Silas's. The children just stuck to them like magnets. I had forgotten what it was like to hang out with extended family. My children obviously miss all the attention that comes from having family around and I have under estimated the importance of all the extra love family provides. You forget quickly.

Isaac was saying...."cheese". Very smooth with the ladies.

Silas was only 12 when I got married. Living away from Brisbane now for 9 years, I feel like I haven't spent much time with my little bro. As time was getting close for Unlce Silas to come I told the children lots of mischievous stories Silas did as a little boy. Probably not a good idea. Hyrum listened to all these stories and re-told them to Uncle Silas very amused and impressed!!

Our newest addition to our family is Aunty Leah. But it is like she has been part of the family forever.

Just can't get enough cuddles from Uncle Si.

When we were in Salt Lake at the visitor's centre on the Easter weekend all the children were asked to pick there favorite picture of Jesus and we took a photo with them and Uncle Si and Aunty Leah.