After graduation, we thought what better way to celebrate than to go on a cruise. Many of our friends couldn't make it because of work comittments, pregnancy or lack of a willing babysitter but those who could make it had a blast.

Onboard the fun ship we had 5 couples. For 5 months we had been looking forward to this moment.

There were many highlights, but I think we all agreed that hands down the best part was our formal dinner each night. We all got to dress up with the luxury of not worrying about children and we could happily stuff our faces. I think one of the best quotes was from Matt when he would look around the table at what everyone had ordered and wished he had ordered the persons next to him. Then he said one night as he was looking around at all our dishes...."I've got food envy!!" Brock's dancing was another that we will all never forget! I don't think I have laughed so hard.

Totally not planned : )

Did we get boat sick??? Nope. Loved the feeling of being rocked to sleep.

We got to explore Catalina Island. Loved the feeling of exploring a new place. We boarded a little boat and headed over for the day.

Some of the couples decided to hire a little boat and explore the island a little more. Second biggest highlight for us!!!! We had no idea where we were going. We wanted somewhere private to snorkel. Eventually a tour boat interrupted our isolated beach but Dave was a little impressed with himself. He was the skipper and if the tourist boat had come out to this beach, I think we were in a pretty good spot.
Cold, freezing water but got to see some bright red fish.

We rode past this isolated resort on our way to snorkelling.

We were a little excited when we saw something moving in the water. Hoping for a dolphin, hopefully not a shark, but it was a few seals. Emily thought we would see if they liked red vines....

MEXICO. I was a very excited Aussie being able to visit another country. Mathew and Monica thought it would be great to go to this famous blow hole and also go to the streetside markets here in La Bufadora.

You wait and wait for the water to come out of the blow hole. Lots of fun!

The Mexico markets. Cheap, cheap, cheap!

The kids were disappointed we didn't brng the hats home.

These were the best, freshest and most authentic tacos I have ever had. Fish and shrimp. As Brittney would say..."dreamy".

The local taco hut.

On the way back our bus guide who was a lot of fun but also seemed a bit suspicious. As he drove us back to the crusie ship, he stopped off in the middle of the highway, with all of us in it and three men on horses rode to his bus window. He passed these cowboys a whole wad of money. We thought it was odd. But then he had to stop to fill up with gas and police blocked our bus in and ordered us all off the bus. Originally he was going to have to go to the police station and leave all the tourists stranded but then they changed their minds. The rather chatty bus driver was very quiet for the rest of the trip. I felt like we got a real feel for Mexico.

While the girls lay in the sun, the boys were on the court next to us playing basketball.

One of the things we all did best was EAT! I happily admit to eating 3 of the lobster meals.
I think the melting chocolate cake was everyones favorite. One night some of the guys were going on about a midnight chocolate buffet. However, we got the nights mixed up and missed it.
At least there was the 24 hour pizaa buffet as an alternative.

I have never seen Dave dance so much. I don't think we have laughed so hard over extended days. All the boys were dancing, even Adam. The girls were
were very impressed! At the mention of Adams name, we can't help but add that THE most funny story came from Adam and Emily! Emily related Adam's difficulty getting through the security screenig. However, that's a story you would have to ask them!! Let's just say we never tired of bringing that story up at every possible occasion.
Boys rocked the karaoke.
Dave and I have not had more fun trip away since our honeymoon. We have also never gone on a trip with other couples before. Great company. Couldn't have asked for a better time than we had. Thankyou Rachel & Susan for looking after our children. Really appreciated it!