Love the beaches here but really miss the ones back home. The water here is considerably colder and you have to head out after lunch once the fog has lifted and the sun is finally hot (though many days in summer the fog doesn't clear at all and it stays cold). And what ever beach we want to go to at least an hours drive away. (Miss being so close to the Perth beaches!)

For Isaac's birthday we went and explored the bay area and enjoyed a picnic. Savannah made a Disney cars birthday cake for him. We had been in northern Cali less than a month and we were exploring our home town in a touristy kind of way!

Gran and Grandad got to have a quick visit as well. It is always so wonderful to see family however big or small. I wish I had more photos of this because grandad was on the trampoline too. (It was very funny!) Isaac was in heaven!
Half moon Bay. We always forget that when you drive to the coast that the temp drops 10 degrees. We were all COLD.
It was close to halloween and we were all very amused by all the pumpkin patches and halloween fun there was to do. Love Grandads SCARY look!
In November the Bennion family and our family were invited to go to the Johnson's cabin. It was amazing. 3 stories and it fitted 12 children and 6 adults easily. Very, very fun!
Before halloween even started we had about 5 halloween activites on our calendar. Through church, school or friends!!! Oh my goodness............... halloween is bigger than our Easter. Crazy!
Another halloween craziness was organized by friends from the ward who divided people into about 8 teams who then for a week were involved in pumpkin carving, playing practical jokes on other teams as well as other activities that they would score points on. It concluded with each team on a Halloween themed Amazing Race to determine the winner. It was a lot of fun.

Pranked!!! Some of the things teams did to us, or left on our door step!! The best prank was one evening when Dave was working late at work and I happened to be on the phone to him. It was about 9:00 at night and the door bell rang and I knew it was probably one of the other teams pranking us. I open the door thinking there would be some scary treat on the door step.........heck no! About 7 of the henchmen team members were hiding around the corner and one of the young men, Travis, was dressed like Chewbacca from Star Wars and came running at me. As I retreated back into the house scared out of my brains he ran in with this pretend sword. I have never screamed louder in my life and YAY, I had 7 witnesses watching me freak out!!! So funny!!! This naughty team got a little out of control and before me Travis had broken into our friends home and freaked one of the children out, not realising the parents weren't home. Another team kidnapped children and took them to baskin robbins. Very, very fun!!!!