Go Savannah!

Savannah has been doing basketball and loving it!! She is really enjoying it and is a little natural defender. She proudly wears her basketball top to school and I have to threaten her, before she gives it up to the laundry. Hyrum begins in March.
Bethany and Alexis were practising their cheer leading on Savannah's basketball team together.

Yes. I am behind in my blogging. This was Savannah doing an Australia day presentaion to her school class. She had volunteered herself and mum to talk about the land down under. (She ended up doing most of the talking.) She also told her teacher that mum would love to bring in a pavlova for everyone to experience. We bought out the vegemite for the children to get a whiff of, and I loved hearing all the gross comments!! Funny. (Someone asked if it was kangaroo poo??!!)

Savannah handed out Aussie stilckers.

Her favorite teacher in the world, Mrs Havican. She is four months pregnant. The first day of school, Savannah came home very excited because she had discovered that her teacher was a Mormon.....fancy that in Provo!