Isaac is our little stressful blessing. He brings us SO much joy and a lot of concern for his health. Since moving to Provo, we have been to many specialists who have had great concern about his global development (his development in his physical, speech, motor etc.) This week I went to the neurologist and for the first time in 6 months, she is very happy with how he has progressed since taking Keppra, a seizure medication. We are still trying to work out his medication however, and this week he has had a higher dose which has made him very sleepy. The medication has beeen like a little switch being turned on in his brain and since then we have seen some major progress. He does have silent sizures and when this happens, just like the below picture, his eyes flutter. People just think he is very sleepy. Until then, we have A LOT of catching up on. The seizures take a lot out of him and this means he misses out on a lot of the things going on around him.

Isaac has many different therapies available to him. Therapists come out to our home and we also go to PEEP, an early intervention centre for children like himself. I also do 2 hours of therapy with him. Although these photos are out of order, this bath photo is because before the bath, Beth and Isaac play with different textures and make a big MESS! They love having colored baths after. The reason for the texture therapy was orginally because he wasn't eating well. He has low muscle tone (although improving) and eating was a little difficult and he didn't like lumpy things in his mouth. This was a way to help him get used to different textures.

They play with the food and squish it in their fingers and make a HUGE mess. They absolutely love it and I am grateful that Beth is around to show him how to make a mess with the food, which takes me off the hook!

Beth thinks if Isaac can go naked, she also has the naked 'right'. Dave is a little horrified when he sees these pictures....but my laundry basket is more relieved than anything!

The mini Physio therapist. We need to massage him twice a day, deep tissue massage and other techniques as well. Isaac absolutely loves it. He just lies there in bliss!

The after math.

This is sibling care which Beth just loves
playgroup. LOVES IT! Such a blessing that it isn't a drag for her.
The motor room where they can climb, play and learn different skills.
One of the co-ordiantiors that monitors Isaac's progress. Also Isaac's favorite therapist, in charge of the music therapy group.

Trish is the recreational therapist who gives me some great tricks for his low muscle tone, brain development, eating problems. A real help to me.

Jenny, our speech therapist. I am slowly learning sign language (little frustrating to learn aghhhhh!) The children learn quicker than me!! Isaac is extremely cute when he signs. Extremely CUTE! All the children are learning and think it is just the funnest.

We are missing another favorite of his, and that is he physio therapist. Isaac just thinks they are all here to love and play with him.
I am EXTREMELY grateful for all the people who are involved in helping Isaac thrive and become this beautiful, mischievous, cheeky and"calm" (odd word, but that is exactly what he is) 18 month old boy. I feel confident that he will be able to live a normal, healthy and active life like all boys should be able to do. I have taken health of my children for granted but would not trade this journey for anything. Our family is working as a team more than ever. Savannah, Hyrum and Bethany pray and fast for him constantly and we are grateful that Heavenly father is blessing his life and providing peace to the sometimes very streched and worried parents.