It is not actually called "Captain America" but I got confused initially and now can't seem to get it out of my head!! About 10 mintues down the road we live on is the largest theme park in Northern California called 'California's Great America' and with the season tickets we got, we have already been 5 times. We went today and we plan on going tomorrow night (Friday) so we can attempt the water rides with 2 adults and two sets of hands.
This place is great. There are numerous rides (both adventurous and tame), including some great rollercoasters which Hyrum and Savannah can't get enough of as well as a large waterslide park. One thing we love is that the lines to the rides are usually short (compared to Disneyland they are basically non-existent), so we can go, get a few rides in and then head home.

I love this one of Beth. She has been in kid heaven with all the characters!! Not even complaining when she has to wait while Savannah and Hyrum go on crazy rides that she is still too small to go on. (She is just as keen though!)

Isaac likes all the rides he can go on too.

Bring back the old cartoooooons!

Isaac still hasn't figured out these cute and crazy characters!

Savannah is such a good sister and takes him on all the rides he can go on. They even have a baby rollercoaster ride he can go on.

Boy heaven. Savannah, Hyrum and Beth all went on the bumper cars together and were the only ones on it. I told the children to take all their frustration with each other out on the bumper cars....they had my permission!! Hyrum lifted his eyebrow and looked a little too pleased with the idea.
Savannah, Hyrum and Beth got to participate
in the circus act.