Museums, Musems, museums. A lot of our time away from our small apartment has been at the Children's Museum in San Jose, 10 minutes from our house. We have season passes to this too. Since we don't have any toys and are living in a 2 bedroom apartment with minimal furniture, our plan was to save money on an unfurnished place and have a bit of extra money to explore beautiful California! It is such an incredible museum that we have been many times and by the second visit we had got our moneys worth! The photo above is of the special "Curious George" exhibition they have on at the moment.

This photo is hilarious because it just plainly tells the emotions of what Savannah and Hyrum are experiencing. Savannah is in girl heaven, in the craft corner in the middle of making these incredible corn leaf dolls. Hyrum is also 'attempting' one (but of course it isn't a doll, it's a robot) and is rather fed up. But I didn't have to tell you that!

This area is a very serious section of the museum. Beth's favorite.....I sit at the table and Beth is my waiter and asks me what type of pizza I want. They have a menu, she sets the table for me, she cooks it in the fire oven, etc. I love it because I can sit down. I also love it becuase I snap my fingers and say waiter....'wheres my drink'? I pretend to be cranky and Beth is delighted! Oh...the simple joys of childhood!

Beth making my pizza and Isaac "helping'.

Now I pay her $61 of pretend money for my yummy pizza....apparently that is a really good deal.

While the big kids are off making rocketships in the big kids room, Beth and Isaac get to do some hands on craft in the little kids room. This is fantastic hands on craft and textile activities for Isaac, escpecailly since I am doing limited therapy with him at the moment.

This is my favorite section where they have all these fun water activities and machines that spray up balls etc. If they are happy, I am happier!

Those balls are all about to spray up with the water pressure build up.

Hyrum gets the drama queen rights! He is our drama boy and this picture just sums him up completely! He is totally pretending that he is dying and in pain, and his darling older sister is delighting about giving him a 'special' dose of his own medicine.

Serious stuff here....Hyrum showing Isaac how to play mini golf. I am enjoying the fact that my older children are doing a lot of the helping with Isaac! It has been a real treat. (Because I definitely run out of patience some days.....or ALL!)