One of my favorite outings with the children is going to the zoo!! A few weeks back, the kids and I took the 1 hour trip to the San Francisco Zoo. This was my first big trip driving by myself. Just me and the kiddo's (oh, and Sheila of course...my GPS). I am the worst at directions and getting anywhere. Thanks to Sheila, I am feeling a lot more confident and have been able to venture off with Savannah, Hyrum, Beth and Isaac and really make the most of beautiful California, while Dave slaves away at his desk.

I keep forgetting how much colder San Francisco is. It was a sunny day when we left home but as soon as we got out of the car in San Fran I nearly died. The first thing I noticed that other people around us were wearing jackets. It was freezing cold, cloudy and windy. The children were complaining simultaneously and I thought....oh dear, this is going to be a long day. However, we all had such fun and although we were all cold, walking everywhere helped as well as lots of great animals that distract us.

This area, was the childrens petting section of the zoo. The children could touch all the animals. Above is a very cute hedgehog. Below was an armidillo, which was just facinating and possibly one of our favorites too. We had never seen a live one and the guy let it run around (and boy do they move quickly) they are furry with a hard shell. Beth squealed in delight when it was running everywhere, then it curled up into a ball when Isaac had his turn of screaming.

I love this one of Isaac because it sums up our whole day with him. He is about to attempt to climb in with Tommy the tortoise. He attempted many cages and exhibits with no luck. Even when the children were carefully touching a snake in the petting area, Isaac was so excited, he got both hands around the snakes belly and squeezed tight. Oh, the joys of a clueless toddler!

This is another, sums it up picture. Isaac will not walk because Savannah and Hyrum (even Beth) carry him everywhere. Savannah is showing him the giraffes (and all the other animals for that matter.) Isaac has tantrums because he has to walk. Grrrrrrr.

A picture says a thousand words. Well, they can also be very deceiving. Hyrum looks so angelic and somehow calm in this picture...if only that were the truth.

Beths favortie animal stop. Why? Becuase they are pink of course!

This is how I felt at the end of our big day at the zoo. The children did a pretty good job, but by the end of it they were grumpy and wanted food, were tired and needed to go to the loo.