Santa Cruz was full of color and life. So much so....we saw police and security all frantic and a guy hand-cuffed and man handled as we walked past. Hyrum thought it was awesssommmme! It was an old style boardwalk, you kind of felt like you were back at the royal show, 60's style. Full of character.

Looks like a hot day but it was chilly out!

The jetty was just as interesting, as we discovered all these sealions laying around underneath and swimming in the water. At first....we were a little clueless and thought they were dolphins. Our camera ran out of batteries but there were also many little sealion cubs. We were all fascinated.

The children were a little grumpy.....lets not sugar coat this. It was cold again and we came unprepared. By the time we left it was getting nice and warm though. (Everywhere around the coast here warms up around mid-day when the fog clears)

Okay....I have not seen a pelican this color before. Didn't realise they came in different colours!

Hyrum was terrifed and electrified at the same time with this fish. The boy next to him was yelling "help, help, help" because his fish was about to flop back into the water and Hyrum thought he would come to the rescue, in a very squirmish, fascinated and reluctant way. He talked about it for ages after.

This does not give you a good example of all the fun we had with the stinky sealions. Even Isaac was making sealion noises all the way back to the car.