A Californian sunrise
We decided to have a beautiful sunrise picnic for a late mother's day. Dave was away on mother's day and we postponed it. A few mother's days ago I decided to make a new tradition and plan something fun for the kids myself that we will both remember. Hopefully my gift to them is a fun memory of me, being a good mum at least one day of the year. While Dave makes yummy food for us and does the every day chores for me.... I get to spend time on being a mum and having fun with my children. I have the idea and Dave helps it happen for me.
At 4:50am the alarm goes off and I did not hear it. Usually I hear every noise but Isaac had been up in the night. Which woke up Beth, who woke up Savannah!! (The joys of 4 children sharing a bedroom together). So by the time I got into a deep sleep again it was early morning. I felt guilty as I heard Dave making noises in the kitchen getting my yummy mothers day ham and cheese crossaints ready in the oven. Who's dumb idea was this, I was thinking! However, knowing Dave was already in the kitchen and the kids already prepared in their day clothes that they had been sleeping in and excited to be getting up REALLY early. I rolled out of bed....for them.
Of course, once your up and at em', it isn't ever as bad. Their happy, eager faces made everything worth while!
The man who made it happen! The champ got the groceries for it the night before, and prepared the picnic.
Thanks honey, xoxoxo.
They even got to see some early bird rabbits...so exciting!
Oh.....the pure joy of chocolate milk! YUM YUM. These two just marched around with cups full of chocolate milk, oblivious to the world and then enjoyed a bit of a sugar high.
I guess I forgot to mention another main reason why they were on a sugar high was the fact that their was Lucky Charm cereal. Sadly, being my special occasion it was my choice :-)

Thanks honey, xoxoxo.
On the way home, since it was still nice and early and little traffic, we stopped off and had a look at Stanford university. It was very interesting to see all the old buildings. The children were also happy because there were all these squirrels out and about and they were having a counting contest. (Whatever keeps them happy!)