Whereever possible, our family loves going to the Temple nearest us on Sunday. The Oakland Temple is the closest from our Santa Clara apartment and it is about 50 minutes away. It is such a beautiful Temple. Beautiful weather, beautiful location , with my beautiful family......love it!

One of the great moments we enjoy at the temple is it's beautiful gardens. Such a peaceful feeling relaxing among the nature there.

We love those rare moments when Dave and I can just talk and the children are amused with talk of fairies or who knows what!

The view to San Francisco. The land the church owns here is HUGE!

Finally, one of the first photos' Isaac poses for. Very rare moment.

My mum loves these flowers and they just thrive here. Thought of you...so we took a photo just for you!
Hyrum is grwoing just a little toooo fast for my liking! His feet are nearly the same size as mine.

Isaac had a spack attack and ran from this shot...pity!

Hyrum and savannah obvioulsy didn't listen to my threats of "smile". They were grumpy that we were going home.