We were forced to enjoy 4 extremely delicious thanksgiving dinners over a period of 2 weeks. Firstly, above, our newlywed friends, Chris and Julie were using us as guinea pigs to practice the whole meal for their family. There were no complaints by us!!! In each meal we got to enjoy the traditional turkey and mashed potatoe, stuffing, vegetables, and other dishes. Then dessert always had different pies. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

We were also lucky to have family in town from California and Perth. We went to Mimis' Cafe and enjoyed a very BIG meal. Yummmmmy. The other great part was that the younger children ate at a separate table. (Yes, I am a bad mother!)

The Woodruff's dropped by a yummy turkey treat and I love seeing how the americans really do it.

I could have enjoyed turkey meal #5 at Beth's kindy but for some reason, at 10:30 in the morning, it just didn't seem to appeal to me!! Beth had fun stuffing her face though.

Wymount gang.

Wendy thought it would be very fun to get 6 adults and 14 children together for a very yummy pot luck thanksgiving dinner which I must admit, was sensational. Wendy's homemade rolls were possibly the best! It was a rather rowdy evening in a basement with nothing for the kids to do but to make a lot of noise and run around like chickens with their heads chopped off. As they did this, the adults had to yell at each other to be heard.

Oh.....and they played board games for all of 5 minutes until the little kids wanted to play!!!

Meal # 4 was at the Baer home. I forgot to take photos but as we were going out it decided to snow for the first time. Alex loveeeeeeeeees snow. She was sooo excited!