Honey and bee's wax.

In our ward we have this wonderful couple who are basically little farmers in the 'burbs'. For their living they sell honey. He travels the country with his bees so they can enjoy different flavors of honey. Well, we got to go over and see how it is done. Jody is Savannah's achievement day leader and they have some great activities. His grandfather was one of the pioneers who crossed the plains into Utah. He mentioned this in Sunday school and I have a little chuckle inside (only in Provo). I only have convicts as ancestors!!

Where's Isaac....
This isn't a great photo but as they were showing us the chickens and beehives, we forgot about Isaac. He was off chasing the chickens and loving it.

Bee boxes.

Chicken shed. Beth and Hyrum are holding the 2 eggs they found. One is named 'Ariel' the other, "Jack'. (Mmmmmm.....I wonder who named who!!!) It was very funny on the way home. Jody has an incubater and was explaining what they were and how they often have many chicks. Well, in the car, Beth had 'Ariel' wrapped warmly in her jumper in hope of a very cute little chick outcome. Unfortunately today, my very devastated daughter informed me that there was a little accident. Beth had put Ariel in a very "special" spot and it got smashed!!

Hyrum loved the idea that Ian got dressed up in all this gear to get the honey.