The 4th Halloween activity for the week. We could have gone to so many more celebrations, but I must admit by the second activity I was all halloweened out! We decided to keep trick or treating simple and go before it got dark. Not the American way but we had a church activity on halloween night and there was a 'trunk or treat', so to compromise with the children we said we would go beforehand. They also wanted to go after with friends......but they had no chance!!

The pumpkin Beth carved (with just a tiny bit of help from mum.)

Hyrum's pile of trick or treat candy. This was just in one evening!!! However, we had been to the dentist the previous week so I was a nazi mother and 3/4 of their candy they never touched. The dentist had a wonderul program where you took your candy in and traded it for a toy, a toothbrush, McDonalds coupons and a chance to win something at Walmart. The kids thought it was a great idea and I liked it even more!

One super nerd, an Ariel princess, a liger (Isaac dirtied his tiger top so he had a lion top and tiger pants) and a skeleton man.