For a date one Friday night some of our friends went indoor rockclimbing. One very fun date. You need to trust your wife though. Apparently I have since learnt that Dave doesn't really trust me with his life when it comes to the 'belaying' part (when he is the one climbing and I hold his life in my hands with a rope!!) Laughing with a friend and getting distracted, isn't a good idea when your husband is up on the wall and needing some help down! No, it wasn't that bad. However, I do trust him with my life and enjoyed some great climbs!

Our beautiful Beverly who was rather excited to get out and leave the children at home with Mike since they couldn't get a babysitter. (Thanks Mike!)

Alex and her husband got the award for best climbing couple. They were on fire.

Paul ends up belaying Dave and Beverly and me team up. Levels out the weight a bit more. Paul's girlfriend was waiting patiently with some others. They were not allowed down if they weren't climbing.

Spider Dave.

My sick and pregnant friend Diana made a 'guest appearance' for the night. She had a halloween half-marathon the next day and needed all the sleep she could get. (All the runners dress up and she was wonder woman! Love it)

One of Dave's class mates, Ronell and his wife Brianna.

Go Alex!!

Fun. Fun. Fun. And a good work out!