To get the best Halloween experience, all we need to do is go to the most passionate Halloween lover's house. The Woodruffs! Our family got to enjoy our first 'pumpkin carving' experience by the master guru's. I didn't realise how much of an 'art' there was to pumkin carving and Tyson is a true carving champion who has had 2 years of successful competition success at the MBA halloween parties!
The very first halloween I had last year, we went to Diana's brothers house to get some costumes and get some boxes of halloween decorations she had in storage. Welllll....I have never seen so much stuff in my life! More decorations than I had Chrismtas decorations. It was a bit of an eye opener for the clueless Aussie. I knew then, that halloween was a lot more serious than I had ever imagined. She just did a halloween half marathon in a wonder woman costume! Love it.

Diana suprised me with a halloween birthday cake. (She is a master birthday cake maker) My very first halloween cake and it was a hit with the kids. They were fighting over squishy eyeballs. I love how she has so much fun with all the festivities. Such a fun & creative mum!

Logan & Hyrum. They are very cute together.

Pumpkin carving is very interesting and a bit of a process. Beth really got into it and probably did the best attempt out of the Liddicoat children for the night.

Diana is giving Dave some instructions on how to carve the guts out!

The Liddicoat children chose pumpkin stencils which were way above us. They didn't turn out as well as we hoped!

Tyson was working on little Alexis's 'little' pumpkin that she swapped with Beth. Very cute.
The Woodruff's are such a good team and such a great example of a family living the gospel. Our children just lovvvvvve them and we are so greatful that they have been part of our BYU experience. We have only 7 months to go here so we are gonna make the most of it!