This week Dave had 3 days off school and so on Friday morning of that week, Katie Hart & I went up to Sundance ski resort to have a bit of girl time. Dave kind of pushed for me to do it because this week he is off to North Carolina for a case competition. I don't think we will ever live 15 minutes from a ski resort again so we made the most of it! (Never say never, but I am pretty sure.) It was a great day, the sun was shining, there was fresh powder and no waiting in lines for the ski lift. Brilliant. I snow boarded and Katie was my professional ski buddy. She put me to shame. As a child, she would spend every weekend in the winter skiing with her family. On the chair lifts up she had some great stories to share! Scenery was incredible. Being without children for a moment, was even more sensational. (I do love my children, but it is always great to have a break!)
Savannah and Hyrum's Christmas present was a half day at Sundance skiing. The photo below we are on the shuttle bus, ready and eager to ski.