December is my most favorite month of the year. It is also crazy with David, Hyrum and Bethany's birthday. This year I have been the least organised because of all Isaac's therapy. I did 90% of all Christmas shopping in one day, 3 days before Christmas. Above, is a picture of when we went on a drive looking at all the gorgeous lights in our neighbourhood. More nativity displays here than anywhere I have seen. We loved it. These Provo'ites know how to put on a good show. We also got to see a live nativity production at the CES building that all the institute students put on. A good way to feel the Christmas spirit.

"Color Me Mine" is a shop where you can pay and decorate your own pottery item and they glaze it for you. We went with the Hoopes and the children decorated their own Christmas ornament for the tree. One tradition in our family is that in December we each pick a new decoration for the tree. It is always fun to see what the children pick out, like when Hyrum picked out Santa in his swimwear. Love it. Well, this year we made it. I decorated a plate for the Santa cookies to go on. Lots of fun creating memories.

Isaac "helping".

Hyrum painted a very cute Christmas penguin.

Savannah (who had been to the Popes hours before and had her hair and makeup done by Brittney) chose a reindeer.

Beth painted a rainbow snowman. Daddy, who is a little challenged when it comes to "craft", went on lots of cold walks outside with Isaac.

Night out with Mesia, Beverley and Alex in Salt Lake to see the Tabernacle Choir Christmas production. COLD!!

The Salt Lake temple behind us. Should have brought along a hat and scarf, more layers. What were we thinking!

In the Conference centre. Warm. Beautiful Salt Lake Temple behind us.

From where we were sitting. It was a really good way to start the Christmas season. Loved it. Thanks Beverly for organsing it!