We were fortunate enough to be invited to spend Christmas eve this year with a number of our Brazilian friends. It is their tradition to have a large meal on Christmas eve and then to exchange gifts at midnight. Hyrum is always a hit with the Brazilian girls.

Esther and Daniela

The food was amazing, with no-one leaving hungry.

Christmas morning.
Despite pressure from the kids to follow the Brazilian tradition, we made them go to bed well before midnight and then exchanged gifts on Christmas morning (still a little too early though).

Beth was so excited about her presents, she couldn't keep her hair down.

For Christmas lunch, we went to the Pope's house, who were enjoying their first White Christmas (while we did not have any snow on Christmas day, there was still plenty around and it was very cold).

Because we had not eaten enough, we had Christmas dinner at Mike and Alex Baer's place. They also invited Mathew and Monica Harrison and so we had a great time that evening with friends from the MBA program.

Bethany and Sydney.

Monica, Alex and Esther.

It didn't take much to get Isaac to eat the various treats we had.

Alex and the kiddos.