Our beautiful Isaac brings so many smiles to our families faces. He is a gentle, placid, happy baby. His favorite things to do is wrestle with Savannah, Hyrum and Beth. He also loves to crawl around playing and throwing his favorite ball.
We have now been to Salt Lake a couple of times now(about a hour drive from us) to the childrens hospital for different specialist appointments and medical tests and every time he has been a little angel.
Here, he is having a EEG and we have to entertain him for 2 hours with all these electric cords attached to him and try to occupy him so he doesn't play with them. He was so good but of course he was curious and it was very exhausting to entertain him for 2 hours. He is watching TV in this photo.
The MRI was the worst part. First we got the IV into his little wrist and then trying to sedate him was a challenge. For some reason, the drugs weren't knocking him out enough and he kept twitching. So they needed to get special permission to give him more drugs so he could be really out of it. We watched everything and it was the oddest thing for the nurse to say..."go have lunch now....come back in 40 minutes." That was the furtherest thing from my mind!!!