For Halloween we had 3 different events to dash too. The first was at Helaman halls where some of the dorm girls gave out "candy". Isaac was a very scary lion. Then we raced off to an MBA organised trick or treating at a fancy area of town for some real big candy bars and a true trick or treating experience. Then we went to our ward Halloween party for dinner, costume parades, games and trunk-or-treat. Wow, I have never seen so much candy in our house before!! (One house gave out tooth brushes.)

Above is a photo of the Woodruff family who won the family costume award. (Go Woodruffs!!) The photo with groovy glasses was a very fun date night at a haunted house. It was VERY scary and was a good outlet for SCREAMING!! The husbands had studied all Saturday and the girls were a little wired up from children. Scary, masked creatures come out from nowhere, right up to your face and freak you out. It was awesome!

This photo was last Saturdays MBASA (MBA Spouses Association) halloween party. We weren't that organised this halloween for costumes. I borrowed mine, the children got theres from a free garage sale (Hyrums harley Davidson jacket is 2 sizes to small but he thought that was very cool and it wasn't worth the argument!!) We plan on getting costumes in the sales and being more organised next year because we realise Halloween is real serious business here! (By the way, Dave is a 70's basketballer)

This is at Helaman halls, girls dorms (and all the opened doors showed very messy dorms).

The ward party. So many people came. The best question of the night was at trunk or treating where a lady asked which candy Beth would like. "Eyeballs or earwax??"