Today two of Savannah's beautiful friends knocked on the door and asked if Savannah could go to the temple. We thought it was such a great idea, half of the little neighbourhood came too. Here are a few children from three different families that the children love to play with.

These two missionaries greeted us with Guten tag! They asked us if they could practice their German with us. The one on the left spoke German and the one on the right interpreted it for us. He shared his testimony in German and the children were all amazed!! One of the boys after said he wanted to serve in Germany and Hyrum said he wanted to serve in China. It was a very neat experience.
One funny thing that occured while I was helping Beth was Isaac (our neighbour) had rolled up his pants and was "saving" Maxwell's Pokemon card from the temples big water fountain. The other 2 boys cheered on excitedly thinking he was a true hero and grumpy mother, Esther was trying to calmly and quickly get cheeky Isaac out of the cold water!

On Saturday after our primary presentation practice some of the children played in one of the playgrounds nearest to us making a "Fox Den!". From 12:00-5:15 they were constructing this and we had to drag them in to get ready for a Halloween party in the evening. They had dug out all the bark chips and made high walls etc. they were very creative and the parents were enjoying their creative enthusiam and a rather care-free Saturday arvo!

Here is only a small sample of the autumn leaves. They had fun gathering them from everywhere and then destroying their leaf pile.